Bruce Schulze's Vietnam Photos (Page3)

(24) ARL-23's Mike Boat - The Benewah (APB-35) is in the background with a Helo approaching her flight deck

(25) Christmas Day - Upper Bassac River near Long Xuyen. RM2 Beach (left) and an unknown crew member. Santa was an U.S. Army Engineer stationed near Long Xuyen, and is carrying a 45 cal. Grease Gun

(26) Christmas Day - Upper Bassac River near Long Xuyen. Jack Lamy RM3 (greens) with back to camera. He was from Rochester, NY

(27) Christmas Day - Upper Bassac River near Long Xuyen. A VNN Alpha Boat in the background

(28) Me enjoying a Sunday afternoon on the ARL-23 Helo Barge - Sometimes we would hitch a ride over to a nearby ARL, YRBM, or the Benewah and enjoy ourselves

(29) Me and the ARL-23's LCVP - The VP is beached on the river bank near the Thuong Thoi mail site. The radio was either a PRC-25 or 77

(30) Tan Chau - An unknown VNN officer in the ARL-23's LCVP

(31) Tan Chau - Kid and a big snake

(32) Long Xuyen - I was always fond of the little ones. I wonder where they are now

(33) Long Xuyen - The Vietnamese Police Officers were always sharply dressed

(34) Long Xuyen - South view with the Catholic Cathedral in the background. The Cathedral still stands, and has been added to since the war

(35) Softball game near An Long - ARL-23 crew members enjoying some R&R. We did this several times, and always had a cook out and plenty of extra ball players

(36) Softball game near An Long - Me in the white shirt. Forgot the names of the others

(37) July 24, 1970 - Upper Mekong River seven miles north of Tan Chau. The Neak Long, Cambodia Ferry Boats being returned to the Cambodian Navy.  Contact Richard Pettit (69-70) or myself for the unusual story about the ferries

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