Reunion 2015, Pensacola, FL. Page 4

Bonita & John Photinos


Mike Faulkner(LST-603), he's not angry, that's his normal look.

 Jerry Toney (Vern), hell of nice guy and intelligent also. Really he's the Web-Site fellow and biased. 

Henry Helgeson, can't remember if he ever washed his face while we were on the River in Nam, but I know he hasn't since I've first seen him at the Reunions. Pretty nice guy for a Yankee though.

Wayne Higden, he's a nice quite fellow except he was an Electrician in the Navy, need I say more.

Ira Sunday, another one of them Darn Electricians, when 2 or 3 of them get together there's hell to pay.

Steve Massey Ship Fitter & Ira Sunday, they are both in Awe at the Pensacola Air Museum.

Ms. Desenda, The lady in-chg of the kitchen at the Hampton Inn where we stayed, she and the others in there took good care of us in our Hospitality room making our Reunion trouble free.

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