Reunion 2011, Baton Rouge, La. Page 4

L to R: Jerry Toney (indicating someone is #1), Mike O'Neal (trying to figure how to point the camera), Robert Mann (holding his and a couple of the guys  Purses), Henry Helgeson (being himself), Artie Kitchen (giving me the evil eye), Ira Sunday (directing traffic) and Johnny Sturgill.

           The Boy's         

L to R: Steven Massey, Mike O'Neal, Johnny Sturgill, Artie Kitchen and Ira Sunday.

L to R: Jerry Toney, Mike Swank, Charlie Prather (acting like he understands a computer) and Mike O'Neal.

L to R: Mike Urbom, Pat Meads and a friend of theirs.

L to R: Pat Meads and Charlie Prather at "Lucy's Land Shark".

Reunion 2011, Page1, Page2, Page3,  Page4, Page5, Page6, Page7, Page8, Page9, Page10, (more to come)